Installation & Setup

While adding the extension to Chrome you will need to confirm the installation. Click on “Install” to finish the process.

As soon as you have finished installing the extension you will see your new “Wiki Lookup Toolbar Button” and a brief extension management message.

You can access the options by right clicking on the “Toolbar Button”, using the “Chrome Extensions Page”, or clicking on the “Options Button” in the drop-down window.

A close look at the “pre-search” drop-down window and the two “Command Buttons”.

Choose the language that you would like to have Wikipedia display in (or use “Auto Detect” if preferred) in the options.

Wiki Lookup in Action

For our example we decided to search for “Flash Cookies”. Highlight and copy/paste (or type) the term that you would like to search for in the drop-down window text field. You can hit “Enter” or click on the “Magnifying Glass Icon” to start your search.

Multiple possibilities were displayed for our search term allowing us to choose the most appropriate entry. The “Local Shared Object” listing was just what we were looking for. Click on the “link” of the entry you choose to view more information.

We really found a nice offering of information on “Local Shared Objects”…notice that we can further narrow the search. Very nice…

Note: The “extra features” mentioned in the tip window will open the Wikipedia homepage or display a random Wikipedia page.


If your search will take a bit longer and you would prefer to have more space to work with then you can transfer your search to a new tab. Just click on the “Open in new tab Button” and your drop-down window listings will open in a focused tab.

Note: You will need to conduct the initial search before transferring to a new tab.

Here is our initial list of results open in a new tab ready to choose from.

And our chosen entry. Being able to perform searches using either the drop-down window and/or new tabs make this a versatile extension.

And just for fun we did a search on “Firefox”.


If you access Wikipedia throughout the day while browsing then the Wiki Lookup extension will make a very nice addition to your browser.


Download the Wiki Lookup extension (Google Chrome Extensions)