Answer paragraph

The prices of scrap carbides are mostly high because tungsten, from which scrap carbide is created, is an expensive and a very important metal in the recycling and carbide industry. To be honest the price of metal tungsten carbide per pound is around 1000 rupees. The prices can shift a bit depending on the company selling it and the quality they are providing. According to the currency of The United States, the price for each pound of Scrap carbide will be 12.86 dollars. Its malleability and durability are worth all the money it acquires,

What does scrap material mean?

Scrap is used for the things which are no longer in use. Here the term is used for recyclable materials which usually include metal. These metals are collected from the places where metals are used to a great extent such as manufacturing of parts for vehicles, surplus materials and even building supplies. Waste has no value at all but scrap is very valuable if seen and analyzed properly. All the metallic and non-metallic materials that are collected over years are also recovered by recycling. After all the collection work for the scrap is done, the scrap will be sorted. The typical metal scrap that is useful to some extent is then crushed and shredded. The machines sort it using a mechanical process.

Types of scrap metals

The scrap metal that is collected from all over places is then compiled followed by segregation. It is segregated into ferrous and non-ferrous groups of metals. The only basic difference between them is that the ferrous scrap contains iron whereas the non-ferrous one does not contain iron. From this information it can be easily made out that any metal which will be manufactured out of steel will be ferrous i.e., containing iron.

Important facts about tungsten carbide scrap

Tungsten is the most famous and expensive metal and was discovered 26 years ago in 1781. It took time to gain popularity as its uses were unknown but in the year 1931 it became famous and a major market selling scrap metal. Even being hard tungsten has a very shiny texture and can easily go through the processing. It cannot exist as an independent metal and can only exist in its free form when it is combined with mineral forms that have calcium, manganese, or iron. Ofor all the known metals on earth, which have been yet discovered by the scientist this has the highest boiling point. The boiling point for tungsten is 10,030 degrees Fahrenheit and the melting point is 6191 Fahrenheit. One more very interesting topic is that our product is going to be international. Many other countries produce tungsten as their main metal. Basil, Russia, Peru, and many more countries have seen a great decline in tungsten production. The recycling process for the tungsten carbide is quite great. Tungsten also allows for an increase in Dens alloy-sludge and even grindings.

What are the specials required?

In mostly all the manufacturing industries it is natural to produce dust. This can result in polluted air that can surely result in the poor health of the people working in that atmosphere. In the province of Quebec and Canada, there are health standards in every company under which measures are labeled to regulate the amount of dust that is entering the atmosphere. Although there are no such safety measures stated for respiratory protection. When working with the tungsten carbide material, the workers should take caution. As the saying goes “Prevention is better than cure!”

It can be concluded that tungsten carbide is however expensive but its quality is worth its price. Tungsten, known to be a crucial metal, is of great importance and holds a high economic value. It is also somehow safe for the environment because it is all made by recycling old and reusable products.

Q1) Can tungsten carbide be recycled? 

Ans1) The answer to this is lucky yes. As tungsten is a scarce and finite mineral, it can be easily recycled. 

Q2) What happens if a hazardous metal phases out at work?

Ans2) The place of work is completely equipped with safety materials. Therefore, it is safe for the people to work there.