Scrap Brass Prices Per Pound Ounce Ton

It can be the most profitable scrap metal to sell, but its price per pound can vary enormously because of different factors. 

Brass is one of the most cost-effective scrappiest that can be sold. However, the price per pound may alter extensively because of different factors. The price of Brass scrap has risen continuously since the beginning of 2017. The price per pound can vary greatly because of diverse characteristics such as the type of Brass and its state. 

The prices of Brass scrap differ according to the country and the circumstances of the economy. In the U.S., for example, the price per pound of Brass scrap can vary from an average of $2.37, and the trend is upward.

Brass Prices Per Pound

The current prices for Brass scrap updated on 06 June 2022 are as follows:

Brass prices per pound are $1. 98. Brass prices per ounce are $31. 68. Brass prices are $0. 0008981129 per ton.

Red Brass Prices per Pound

Red Brass scrap is composed of 85% copper, 5% tin, and 5% Lead. The prices of red Brass scrap differ from region to region and from coastal to coastal. The current price per pound for red Brass scrap ranges from $1.75 to $2.25.

The current prices for red Brass scrap updated on 06 June 2022 are as follows:

In North America, US Midwest 

Red Brass Scrap prices per pound are $1. 74. Red Brass Scrap prices per ounce are $27. 839. Red Brass Scrap prices are $0. 0007892507 per ton.  

In US East Coast 

Red Brass Scrap prices per pound are $1. 73. Red Brass Scrap prices per ounce are $27. 68. Red Brass Scrap prices are $0. 0007847148 per ton.  

In US West Coast 

Red Brass Scrap prices per pound are $1. 75. Red Brass Scrap prices per ounce are $27. 99. Red Brass Scrap prices are $0. 0007937866 per ton.  

In China

Red Brass Scrap prices per ton are Chinese Yuans (CNY) 35,050 per MT.

Yellow Brass Prices per Pound

The term “yellow” refers to the color of this type of Brass when it’s in its purest condition; yet, most specimens are not this bright yellow and may have a greenish tint or seem additional brownish than yellow-green.

The current prices for red Brass scrap updated on 06 June 2022 are as follows:

In North America, US Midwest 

Red Brass Scrap prices per pound are $1. 57. Red Brass Scrap prices per ounce are $25. 12. Red Brass Scrap prices are $0. 00071214 per ton

In US East Coast 

Red Brass Scrap prices per pound are $1. 58. Red Brass Scrap prices per ounce are $25. 27. Red Brass Scrap prices are $0. 0007166759 per ton.

In US West Coast 

Red Brass Scrap prices per pound are $1. 59. Red Brass Scrap prices per ounce are $25. 44. Red Brass Scrap prices are $0. 0007212119 per ton.

In China

Red Brass Scrap prices per ton are Chinese Yuans (CNY) 32,400 per MT.

Semi-Red Brass Prices per Pound

Semi-red Brass is a type of copper that contains between 75% and 85% copper, 15% to 25% zinc and 0.5% to 1.0% lead. 

Semi-red Brass has many usages, most commonly used as an electrical conductor in some industrial applications. 

On average, semi-red Brass prices per pound are around $1.75 per pound average of scrap metal in 2019 in the U.S.A. However, these prices fluctuate based on the supply and demand for this kind of metal. However, other factors like the location where you sell your scrap materials. 

Brass radiator scrap

Brass radiator scrap can be used in a variety of ways. The scope of Brass radiator scrap prices can be between $0.50 to $1.29 per pound, although some establishments deliver less outlay. 

The price of Brass radiator scrap is on average $0.25 per pound, as of 2018. It is used in the production of Brass sheets, Brass strips, and other products.

The current prices for red Brass scrap updated on 06 June 2022 are as follows:

In North America, US Midwest 

Red Brass Scrap prices per pound are $1. 27. Red Brass Scrap prices per ounce are $20. 32. Red Brass Scrap prices per ton are $0. 0005760623.

In US East Coast 

Red Brass Scrap prices per pound are $1. 29. Red Brass Scrap prices per ounce are $20. 64. Red Brass Scrap prices are $0. 0005851342 per ton.

In US West Coast 

Red Brass Scrap prices per pound are $1. 29. Red Brass Scrap prices per ounce are $20. 64. Red Brass Scrap prices are $0. 0005851342 per ton.

In China

Red Brass Scrap prices per ton are Chinese Yuans (CNY) 29,850 per MT.

In Europe 

Red Brass Scrap prices per pound are $5401325. Red Brass Scrap prices per ounce are $86421200. 003871. Red Brass Scrap prices are $2450 per ton.


Now we have learnt ‘Scrap Brass Prices Per Pound Ounce Ton’, There are a few things that come into play in determining the price of Brass scrap. An important thing to note is that Brass, contrary to other metals, comes in different varieties. Other metals are often melted down and recycled together, but not so with Brass, which means its prices can vary immensely relying on its formatting. 

  1. What are the effects of Brass Scraping and Brass radiator scraping on humans and the climate?

This process has been shown to have negative effects on both human fitness and natural habitat by releasing harmful toxins into air and water supplies.

  1. How is recycling Brass helpful?

This will help reduce pollution in the environment by reducing waste production, which is one way we can keep our earth restorative.

  1. What are Brass Scraping and Brass radiators scraping?

Brass radiator scrap and Brass scraping are two practices that can have a damaging effect on the environment.

  1. What are Brass Scraping and Brass radiators scraping?

Brass radiator scrap and Brass scraping are two practices of recycling. The process is used to remove the interior and exterior parts of the radiators and sell them to be made into new products.