Savage Resurrection, the rebirth of the classic first-person shooter real-time strategy hybrid, released on Steam Early Access this week.

Players will take command of one of two warring races and duke it out across multiple maps and locations. But unlike other shooters, Savage Resurrection is multiplayer only, and was built from the ground up with a competitive focus in mind.

Players will have to fight to:

Secure strategic resources and positions. Craft and expand team buildings. Research and acquire new weapons and items. Crush your opponents with mighty siege weapons, sneaky sabotage, or by strangling their economy.

Quick thinking and wit will determine your success on the battlefield.

In its current state, the game features:

Complete Savage 1 gameplay.  Despite being in Early Access, the game is fully playable, and pays tribute to the gameplay of the original Savage game. Casual and competitive matches. Stats and leaderboards Four Maps.  All maps are beautifully rendered in Unreal 4. Cosmetic Items and Steam Drops

Maps and locations come in varying sizes.

Despite being in Early Access, the game is more than playable. The development team plans on keeping it in Early Access for as long as possible in order to work with the community and gather additional feedback. In the future, they intend to add bots, more cosmetic items, and game modes.

If you’re attracted to competitive shooters, Savage Resurrection may be a title worth looking into. The emphasis on fast-paced combat and challenging gameplay makes it appealing to anyone interested in this particular genre.