Tiny little flash drive

SanDisk’s Ultra Dual B Drive is the cutest little flash drive. It’s double-headed, with a regular B 2.0 connecter on one side, a microB connector on the other. Both ends are shielded by a retractable plastic covering, which can become loose after a few uses. That’s actually the most annoying part of this flash drive—I hurt myself plugging it into my computer because the shield moved, exposing the sharp edges of the microB head. 

Tops out at B 2.0

It took 17 minutes 40 seconds to transfer over 8.33GB of photos from my MacBook Air to the drive. ’s own dual-headed 32GB MU1 flash drive was two minutes faster, clocking in at 15 minutes 34 seconds. Bear in mind that the read write speeds of both flash drives are held back by the limitations of B 2.0.  You don’t have to set much up to use the drive on your Android device. I plugged it into various devices—including the second-generation Nexus 7, Samsung Galaxy Tab S, HTC One (M8), the second-generation Moto G— then downloaded a file manager like Astro File Manager to access the B directory. (SanDisk offers its own Memory Zone app for “file managing,” but you can manage just fine without it.) I played back episodes of Beverly Hills, 90210 in AVI format; there were some issues with stuttering on some episodes with the Galaxy Tab S, though the Nexus 7, One (M8), Moto G fared just fine.  Regardless, it’s extremely convenient being able to plug in a flash drive into your device rather than storing everything locally. SanDisk’s 64GB Ultra Dual B Drive might not be the fastest, flashiest flash drive out there, but it’s too good of a deal to pass up.