However, now according to the latest bulletins, it clearly seems that from today onwards the region of Uttar Pradesh, in India, can look challenging to this Chinese city. With its most recent expansion, the factory that the well-known South Korean giant Samsung has just built outside Delhi has become the largest mobile phone factory in the world. Until today, the South Korean giant Samsung manufactured in this plant about 60 million phones a year. However, now the expansion, which doubles the capacity and will be done in stages over the next two years, will lead to producing about 10 million phones per month. Moreover, the South Korean giant Samsung will manufacture all types of models in this plant, from low-end phones to the most advanced models in its catalog, such as the Galaxy S9, its latest flagship smartphone till to the date. The inauguration of the new production lines, which has been attended by South Korean President Moon Jae-in, has been received as a victory of the protectionist policies of the country’s honorable prime minister, Narendra Modi. For years, India has imposed high import tariffs on electronics products manufactured outside its borders. But, now you can afford it because the country is the next big smartphone expansion territory. As India’s enormous growth potential is irresistible for telephone companies, which in recent years have seen sales figures deflate due to the saturation of Western markets and urban China. Hence, the possibility of taking part in this market has led the South Korean giant Samsung to merely invest large amounts of money in the creation of new factories within the country. Even the tech giant Apple, which tends to favor the concentration of its production lines, has given in and has been forced to manufacture part of its iPhones in Bangalore. Sales of smartphones in India grew by 14% last year, touching 125 million units. The country even overtook the US as the second largest smartphone market on the planet, and now it is only behind China. The South Korean giant Samsung was leading until last year the classification of telephone companies in the region but has recently been surpassed by the Chinese company Xiaomi, which during 2017 has made an aggressive commercial deployment in the large cities of India with very low-priced smartphones. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.